Biography of Mitsuyoshi Haruguchi
- 1933(Showa Era 8)
- Sep. 30th Born at 32 Higashi-tsuboi Kumamoto city in Japan as a second son among two sons and four daughters of Tosaburo (44 years old) and Sayo (34 years old) Haruguchi. His elder brother died soon after birth. Although aspired to be a novelist, he launched a career of a cook after training in Shimonoseki (Yamaguchi prefecture, Japan) because of his father’s objection a literary life. During his life, Tosaburo understood and supported Mitsuyoshi’s desire to become a painter during his life.
- 1940(Showa Era 15)
- Apr. Entered Kumamoto-city run Kurokami elementary school.
- 1946(Showa Era 21)
- Mar. Graduated from Kumamoto-city run Kurokami elementary school.
- Apr. Entered Kumamoto prefectural Seiseiko junior high school, later associated with senior high schools due to educational system reform of Japan.
- 1949(Showa Era 24)
- Apr. Received the award for outstanding performance in the Kumamoto-city Hinokunimatsuri-festival High School Student Art Exhibit .
- Nov. His work “Deserted Station” (6F: 31.8cm×41cm), painted while in the third grade of junior high, was displayed at the Kumanichi General Art Exhibition organized by Kumamoto Nichi Nichi Shinbun newspaper company.
- 1950(Showa Era 25)
- Apr. Awarded the Excellent prize in the High School Student Art Exhibit in Kumamoto-city Hinokunimatsuri-festival.
- 1951(Showa Era 26)
- Apr. Ebihara Art Laboratory (Rokken-cho, Kumamoto city) was established when he was in the third grade of senior high. Received guidance from Kinosuke Ebihara. “Sheep Pen” (10F 45.5cm×53cm) was displayed at the Exhibition of Kumamoto Prefecture Artist Association and awarded the Mayor’s Prize of Kumamoto.
- Mar. Graduated from Kumamoto Seiseiko senior high school.
- 1952(Showa Era 27)
- Apr. Entered the Kyoto City University of Arts, Fine Art Division. While a student of the university, he came in contact with Ryuken Sawa, Heizo Tatsumura and Shigenobu Kimura in his chosen art laboratory.
- 1953(Showa Era 28)
- Jun 26th Massive flooding in Kumamoto prompted his return by ship and the new Hohi-line of National Railway which had just opened since the existing lines of National Railway were interrupted. Many paintings and other valuables were damaged by sludge, and the massive repairs needed to repair the city. Became a member of “Democratic Art Association” Osaka with his classmate Takeshi Ushiroda and regularly attended meetings held in the home of Shigeru Izumi. Was shocked by the Copperplate “Newly-recruited Soldier Elegy “ by Chimei Hamada on Free Art Exhibition held in Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art in Okazaki, Kyoto. Later surprised to hear from Hajime Otoba that Hamada is also from Kumamoto.
- 1955(Showa Era 30)
- Visited Chimei Hamada who returned home during summer holiday by a lucky chance in Konyamachi, Kumamoto city.
- 1956(Showa Era 31)
- Mar. Graduated from Kyoto City University of Arts, Fine Art Division. Produced three works including “Sexually-aware Worm” for graduation and awarded Excellent Prize award.
- Apr. Went home after graduation to become an art teacher in Kumamoto prefectural Amakusa high school. Held a personal exhibition in the restaurant “Hirano” in Hondo, Amakusa. Later drew wall decoration paintings consisting with three parts at the request. Put the works on New Art Exhibition. (Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum).
- 1959(Showa Era 34)
- Nov. Awarded the top prize of Incentive Award at Kumanichi Art Exhibition sponsored by Kumanichi Newspaper Company (Tsuruya department store, Kumamoto city). Displayed works in the New Art Exhibition in Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum.
- 1960(Showa Era 35)
- June. Became a teacher of the Kumamoto municipal high school. Became a member of “Generation Society”. Displayed works in the New Art Exhibition in Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum.
- 1961(Showa Era 36)
- June. Married Emiko Nishizaki. Displayed “Offerings” in the International Youth Artist exhibition. Drew a personal series in black and white in the motif of psychological phenomenon.
- Nov. Awarded the Mayor’s Prize of Kumamoto in the Kumanichi Art exhibition sponsored by Kumanichi Newspaper Company (Tsuruya department store). Displayed works in the New Art Exhibition Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum.
- 1962(Showa Era 37)
- Jan. First daughter was born. Awarded the 3rd prize of the 5th Shell Art Award Competition for “A Bridge” and “Meeting”. Traveled to Europe, aided by the Mitsuyoshi Haruguchi Supporters’ Group [President of Kumamoto Group, Tomito Izu], [President of Amakusa group, president Kyoei Yoshimi] and [Kumamoto-city run high school supporters’ group, president Yasushi Shimojyo] was established based on Gallery Coffee shop “Serupan” as a liaison office ( Bureau chief Hamao Shimizu).
- Held personal exhibition several times (the first one in Oct.) in Kumanichi Art Gallery and in the second floor of central bus Terminal in Hondo city, Amakusa. Also displayed works in the New Art Exhibition (Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum).
- 1963(Showa Era 38)
- Displayed works in the Yasui Awards exhibition.
- Seized an opportunity to attend the fourth International Society for Education through Art held in Montreal, Canada, went on a round-the-world trip in order to see past and the future arts in Christian, Islamic and Buddhist countries. From August, visited Art museums and art gallerys in 31 cities in 17 countries including U.S., Canada, U.K., Norway, Sweden, Denmark, West Germany, Holland, France, Spain, Switzerland, Australia, Italy, Greece, Egypt, and Thailand for four months. Through this journey, keenly realized the reason why Modern Art of Japan could not increase the voice in the international community was based on the uniqueness of exhibitions hosted by Art societies by public recruiting in Japan. Since then, has not put his works in that kind of exhibitions in Japan.
- 1964(Showa Era 39)
- Feb. Homecoming reception sponsored by the Supporters’ Group (Taiyo Department store).
- Father, Tosaburo died.
- Oct. Held a personal exhibition in Osaka (Ano Art Gallary).
- 1965(Showa Era 40)
- Jun. Held a personal exhibition (Kumanichi Art Gallary).
- Jul. Second daughter was born.
- 1966(Showa Era 41)
- May. Mother Sayo died.
- 1968(Showa Era 43)
- Decided to study in Vienna Formative Art University (Supporters’ Group was organized for raising funds to sponsor his overseas education. Chairman Mr. Yasushi Shimojo).
- 1969(Showa Era 44)
- Jan. Held “Personal Exhibition for Overseas Education” in the hall of Kumamoto civic center in Kumamoto, Japan.
- Mar. Retired from the Municipal High School in Kumamoto.
- Apr. Went abroad to study mixture technique in Hausner class of “Akademie der Bildenden Künste im Wien”. Produced the first work “Dialogue” in Rudolf Hausner(1914-1995). Restarted to use colors in his paintings after using monochrome for several decades.
- Aug. Visited Kinosuke Ebihara in his studio in Paris with countryman Shizuo Miyazaki staying in Paris at that time.
- 1970(Showa Era 45)
- Apr. Returned to Kumamoto and became a teacher at Kyusyu Sangyo University, Faculty of Fine Arts.
- Sep. Kinosuke Ebihara died in Paris.
- 1971(Showa Era 46)
- Yasui Awards Exhibition
- Sep. Held a Homecoming Debriefing Exhibition at the Kumanichi Art Gallery in Kumamoto, Japan.
- 1972(Showa Era 47)
- May. Displayed works created using the mixture technique at the 3rd Les Neuf Exhibition held at Osaka Forme Gallery (Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, Fukuoka).
- June. Awarded the second Prize in Newcomer selection exhibition of the Exhibition of Kumamoto Prefecture Artist Association (Hall of Kumamichi).
- 1973(Showa Era 48)
- Sep. Held a Personal Exhibition in Tokyo Gallery followed by exhibitions in Nagoya, Osaka and Fukuoka of Osaka Form Gallery.
- Displayed works in the 4th Les Neuf Exhibition (Osaka Forme Gallery) and the Modern Illusional Painting Exhibition sponsored by Asahi Shimbun newspaper (Okinawa Times).
- Mar. Retired from the Kyusyu Sangyou University, Faculty of Fine Arts.
- 1974(Showa Era 49)
- Displayed works in the Yasui Awards Exhibition and the Les Neuf Exhibition (Osaka Forme Gallery).
- Sep. Displayed works entitled “Nightmare and Decadence = Visionarist at end time” (Gallery Ginza Sanbankan).
- Nov. Traveled to Vienna, Ghent and Brugges to see the works of Van Eyck.
- 1975(Showa Era 50)
- Displayed works in the Yasui Awards Exhibition and the 6th Les Neuf Exhibition (Osaka Forme Gallery).
- 1976(Showa Era 51)
- Dec. Visited and stayed in Hannover, West Germany for 11 months to produce works supported by Mr. N and Mr. K. During this time, produced bronze statue at the Bart workshops in Rinteln and engravings in Vienna. Displayed works in the 7th Les Neuf Exhibition (Osaka Form Gallery).
- 1977(Showa Era 52)
- Invited to display works in the 1st Representational Modern Exhibition (in Matsusakaya in Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya). Awarded the Coterie Prize in ’80 and received an honorable mention in ’83. Displayed works in the 8th Les Neuf Exhibition (Osaka Forme Gallery).
- 1978(Showa Era 53)
- Published a book of art “GESICHTER” (a series of seven silk screens). Displayed works in the 1st Representational Exhibition for Future by invitation (Takashimaya). Displayed works in the 2nd Representational Modern Exhibition by invitation (Matsusakaya). Displayed works on the 1st Modern Nude Exhibition by invitation (Nichido Salon).
- 1979(Showa Era 54)
- Displayed works in the 2nd Modern Nude Exhibition by invitation (Nichido Salon) and the 2nd Representational Exhibition for Future (Takashimaya). Displayed works in the 3rd Representational Modern Exhibition (Matsusakaya). Became a teacher of Kumamoto junior college, Education department.
- 1980(Showa Era 55)
- Held the “Visionary Forest Exhibition” with Tetsui Oshima. Displayed works in “Modern Exhibition” (Central Art Cinema) , the 6th Salon de Avrilt (Nichido Salon), on the 3rd Representational Exhibition by invitation (Takashimaya) and the 3rd Modern Nude Exhibition by invitation. Displayed works in the 4th Representational Modern Exhibition by invitation (Matsusakaya) and awarded the Coterie Prize.
- 1981(Showa Era 56)
- Displayed works on Visionary Forest Exhibition (Central Art Museum) and the 4th Representational Exhibition for Future by invitation (Takashimaya), the 5th Representational Modern Exhibition (Matsusakaya) by invitation, the 4th Modern Nude Exhibition(Nichido Salon)by invitation and the 7th Salon de Avrilt (Nichido Salon).
Dec. Held “Design and Painting (men and women)” at Kumamoto Nichido Salon.
- 1982(Showa Era 57)
- Went on an overseas business trip to Germany to stay in Rinteln. Produced the bronze statue “A laying women - A passing horse” using waxing technique at Bart Craft Center. In Würzburg, encountered his own “A portrait of Renate” showing in the “Visionarists” exhibition traveling around Koln and other locations in West-Germany. Traveled from Vienna to New York for the first time in 19 years and stayed 10 days at resident of Masami Kodama who was a sculptor and a close friend since his university days in Kyoto. Inspected the American Modern Arts during the stay. Displayed works on the Toto Exhibition (Gallery Salon De Bonnat), “Modern Nude Exhibition” (Nichido Salon), the 5th Representational Exhibition for Future (Takashimaya) and on the 6th Representational Modern Exhibition (Matsusakaya) by invitation. Displayed works in the 8th Salon de Avrilt (Nichido Salon).
- 1988(Showa Era 63)
- Displayed works in the Toto Exhibition by invitation (Gallery Salon de Bona).
- 1989(Heisei Era 1)
- Mar. Organized a personal exhibition as opening commemoration of Coffee shop Art Gallery Santensho.
- Aug. 26th Went to Milwaukee through N.Y. and stayed one year as a visiting artist at University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee.
- 1990 (Heisei Era 2)
- Sep. 3rd Returned to Kumamoto.
- 1991(Heisei Era 3)
- Displayed works on Toto Exhibition (Gallery Salon de Bona).
- 1992(Heisei Era 4)
- Displayed works on Toto Exhbition (Gallery Salon de Bona).
- 1993(Heisei Era 5)
- May. Awarded the outstanding performance award (Art Museum of Tagawa city in Fukuoka, Japan). Went to Vienna and Florence for one month and met old class mates in Vienna. Visited Prof. Vogel (Special assistant to Rudolph Hausner and a walking compendium of his techniques) with Karlhuber.
- 1994(Heisei Era 6)
- Displayed works on Toto Exhbition (Gallery Salon de Bona).
- 1995(Heisei Era 7)
- Feb. Prof. Hausner died.
- Aug. Held a personal exhibition (Event hall of Tsuruta Gyokubun Do) in Hondo city in Amakusa, Japan.
- Nov. Held a personal exhibition (Gallery Salon de Bona) in Ginza, Tokyo, Japan.
- 1997(Heisei Era 9)
- Aug. Visited Vienna, Venice, Florence, Geneva, Basel and Paris for two months to attend a training program for art.
- 1998(Heisei Era 10)
- Feb. Displayed works in the “Adventure Exhibition of Forming” sponsored by Kumamoto Prefectural Art Museum. (Main building of Kumamoto Prefectural Museum of Art).
- Apr. Assumed the post of vice-president of Kumamoto Prefecture Artist Association.
- 1999(Heisei Era 11)
- Jan. Entered works in the “N・A・U = New Artist Unit Pre-exhibition” and served as a board man.
- Apr. Assumed the temporary post of president of Kumamoto Prefecture Artist Association, after the sudden passing of Mr. Iwakoshi.
- May. Displayed works in the “Democrat Exhibition 1951 -1957”. Visited Art Museums in Miyazaki, Wakayama and Saitama prefectures in Japan.
- 2000(Heisei Era 12)
- Jan. Displayed works in the 1st “N・A・U Exhibition”. (Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum). New Artist Unit Exhibition
- Apr. Assumed the post of president of Kumamoto Prefecture Artist Association.
- Aug. Travelled to Zurich, Colmar and Berlin with Emiko for 14 days.
- 2001(Heisei Era 13)
- Jan. Displayed works on the 2nd N. A. U Exhibition (Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum).
- May. Held a personal exhibition (Shikou Gallery) in Aoyama, Tokyo, Japan.
- Jul. – Sep. Visited N.Y., Chicago, Milwaukee, London, Berlin, Vienna and Madrid to research the climate of modern art.
- 2002(Heisei Era 14)
- Jan. Exhibited works in the 3rd N. A. U Exhibition (Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum)
- Feb. Exhibited works on “The Power of Kyushu” by invitation (Contemporary Art Museum Kumamoto).
- Mar. Retired as professor of Kumamoto Gakuen University, Social Welfare Faculty and became a professor emeritus.
- Apr. Became a visiting professor of Kumamoto Gakuen University.
- Sep. Held a personal exhibition (GALERIE AKUM) in Vienna, Austria. Especially Mr. and Mrs. Vogel heartily congratulated the exhibition.
- 2003(Heisei Era 15)
- Jan. Displayed works in the 4th N. A. U Exhibition (Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum).
- Mar. Produced two works by lithograph and then went to Berlin and Paris.
- Sep. Produced works by etching.
- 2004(Heisei Era 16)
- Jan. Displayed works in the 5th N. A. U Exhibition (Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum).
- Mar. Visited N.Y. to research the conditions of the Museum of Modern Art, New York after 9/11 and traveled to Princeton and Boston with Masami Kodama.
- Mar. Retired from the post of guest professor of Kumamoto Gakuen Univ. in Japan.
- Oct. Displayed works by invitation on “Artist Revitalization: Kinosuke Ebihara exhibition” (Contemporary Art Museum Kumamoto).
- 2005(Heisei Era 17)
- Jan. Displayed works on the 6th N. A. U Exhibition (Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum).
- Oct. Published a book of art “HARUGUTI Leben-Zusammenbruch-Seelenwanderung” .
- Nov. “Leben-Zusammenbruch-Seelenwanderun: History of Mitsuyoshi Haruguchi” at the pavilion of Kumamoto Prefectural Art Museum.
- 2006(Heisei Era 18)
- Jan. Displayed works on the 7th N. A. U Exhibition (Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum).
- Feb. Displayed works on the personal exhibition at the art gallery of Kumamoto Hanshin Department Store.
- Displayed works in the Asian Arts Show in Singapore.
- Displayed works by invitation on “ARS KUMAMOTO Exhibition”(Contemporary Art Museum Kumamoto).
- Awarded the 41st Kumamoto Cultural Association Prize.
- 2007(Heisei Era 19)
- Jan. Displayed works in the N. A. U Exhibition.
- Visited Berlin, Vienna and Barcelona. Stayed at the home of Dietrich Heuieis in Berlin. Went to see the statue of Beethoven.
- Sep. Displayed works in the N. A. U Exhibition.
- Displayed works in ARS Kumamoto Exhibition (Contemporary Art Museum Kumamoto)
- 2008(Heisei Era 20)
- Jan. Displayed works in the 9th N. A. U Exhibition (Kumamoto Prefectural Art Museum).
- Jan. Displayed works in the personal Exhibition (Rokka gallery).
- Displayed works in the 23rd Asian International Art Exhibition(Koshu Museum, China).
- 2009(Heisei Era 21)
- Displayed works in Egaku - "Painting: A quiet battles"(Kumamoto Prefectural Art Museum).
- "Lexikon Der Fantastischen Künstle(by Gerhald Habarta)" introduced the works.
- Displayed works in the N. A. U Kumamoto Group Exhibition(Kumamoto Prefectural Art Museum).
- Displayed works in the N. A. U Exhibition(Tokyo Metropolitan Museum).
- 2010(Heisei Era 22)
- Jun. Displayed works in Asian International Art Exhibition.
- Displayed works in the 1st Fantastic Art Biennale "EXCLAMATION!".
- Attended the opening celemony of the Biennale at Chaumont. Went sightseeing Paris, Chaumont, Zurich, Colmar, Rome, Naples, Capri, Frankfurt, Kern and Heidelberg with Emiko.
- 2011(Heisei Era 23)
- Apr.- Nov. "Big hand" was housed in Fantasten Musium Wien .
- May - Jul. Displayed works in the Fantastic Art Exhibition "L'ANGE EXQUIS" at the castle in South Austria.
- Sep. Displayed works in Asian International Art Exhibition (Seoul)
- Dec. Planning to display works in personal Exhibition "Mitsuyoshi Maruguchi Spiritual Bowel" at Taiho-do gallery
- 2012 (Heisei Era 24)
- Jan. "Japan Committee for Asian Art Exhibition" (Fukuoka Asian Art Museum)
- Jan. Judged the exhibition "Drawing Amakusa" (Ushibuka Center).
- Mar. Beloved grandson "Mamoru Haraguchi" (eldest daughter Mika's only son) passed away suddenly at the age of 17. I was deeply moved. Forced to reconsider life and death, and is unable to produce any work.
- Mar. During his five-day stay in Setouchi, Okayama, Japan, the former owner of a New York art gallery, Di Laurenti, comes to Japan on business, and accompanies him to the mayor's office and to see his pending property. They also met with Mr. Terao, a close friend from junior and senior high school in Okayama, and invited Mr. Kodama from Hiroshima to accompany them to Miyajima Island.
- Jun. Judged the "Kumanichi Women's Art Exhibition".
- Jul. Judged the "Silver Work Exhibition of Western-style Painting".
- Oct. Visited his sister, Masae, who lives in Himeji.
- Nov. Slipped and fell at home and went to National Hospital by ambulance. The diagnosis is a compression fracture of the thoracic vertebrae. He was visited by Ms. Iris, who is visiting from Berlin. Later, he is transferred to Asahino Hospital. He was discharged in December.
- 2013 (Heisei Era 25)
- Jan. Judged the exhibition "Drawing Amakusa" at Ushibuka Center.
- Jan. Special exhibition of 14 works at the NAU exhibition (Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum).
- Mar. Saburo Amamori, the famous secretary-general of the Kumamoto Prefectural Union of Artists, who had been his friend and companion since his teenage years, passed away at the age of 80 due to illness.
- May He resigned from the president of the Kumamoto Prefectural Union of Artists, which he had served for 13 years.
- Jun. Judged the "Kumanichi Women's Art Exhibition".
- Jul. Masae Sugiyama passes away at age 89. During his life, Sugiyama supported him emotionally and financially as a parent.
- Sep. Traveled to Vienna accompanied by his former student at Amakusa High School, Yutaka Motoshima, to stay at the Mahler House Inn. Stayed in a pension, Mahler House, and experienced classical and contemporary art in various museums. See the collection of fantastic paintings at Riegels Castle and drive eight hours on the autobahn with Mr. Hanno to see the "Art Imaginaire" (International Exhibition of Fantastic Art) in Neustatt an der Weinstrasse. At the venue, he met again with the French painter Mr. Lucas Kandor and his wife.
- 2014 (Heisei Era 26)
- Jan. Exhibited at the NAU exhibition at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum.
- May Exhibited at the "Asian Art Exhibition Japan Committee" at the Fukuoka Asian Art Museum.
- 2015 (Heisei Era 27)
- Jan. Judged the "Drawing Amakusa" exhibition at the Ushibuka Center.
- May Solo exhibition "Thinking Gutters" at Fukuoka City Museum of Art.
- May Participated in the "Japan Committee for Asian Art Exhibition" (Fukuoka Asian Art Museum).
- Jul. Judged the "Silver Work Exhibition of Western-style Painting".
- September-October: Three weeks in Vienna. Visited the Museum of Art History, the Natural History Museum, the Albertina Museum, and the ESSL Museum. Spends many days and hours at the Museum of Art History, in particular. With classmate Hanno Karlhuber, he drove Peter Kriech to the outskirts of Vienna, stopping at the Fuchs Museum. Visiting the Venus excavation site in the village of Willendorf. *( I have visited here almost every time I am in Vienna. It's important for me to be in touch with the origins of art. He also drives me to the studio of an abstract painter living on the outskirts of Vienna, five hours away one way. The scenery on the way to Highland Austria was amazing. On October 16, I return home on flight OS051. After arriving in Narita, we went to the ANA waiting room to transfer to our shared flight to Fukuoka. After eating a cold bottle of Japanese tea and a sandwich, I felt diarrhea. I picked up a cab from the bus center and went home. I saw bright red blood mixed with diarrhea. The next day, he went to his doctor's office to see a doctor. The next day, he went to his doctor's office and was diagnosed with ischemic colitis. Unfortunately, the next day is a consecutive holiday. Dr. Maekawa, a friend of mine, thought that a private hospital would not be able to admit him. She was immediately admitted to the hospital for treatment. I was discharged from the hospital on the 21st.)
- Gave a lecture at the 70th anniversary of the Amakusa Art Association. (Amakusa Civic Center Hall)
- 2016 (Heisei Era 28)
- Jan. 19 Former Director of the Contemporary Art Museum of Kumamoto, Hiroshi Minamishima passed away suddenly.
- Feb. Exhibited at the NAU exhibition at the National Art Center, Tokyo.
- From March 3 to April 10, he wrote a 39-part series of articles titled "Talking About Me" in the "Reader's Square" column of the Kumamoto Nichinichi Shimbun.
- From March 15 to March 25, he was hospitalized in Asahino Hospital for ischemic colitis.
The "Talking About Me" celebration was held at Hotel Nikko Kumamoto 2nd floor Sociedo with Mr. Makoto Fukuda and Mr. Ken'ichi Yasuda as committee members. There were 40 attendees from various fields.
- Apr. 14, 1:25 a.m. Main earthquake with an intensity of 7.3 on the Japanese scale. Loud sound and severe shaking. A medium-sized and large easel in the studio collapsed on a stuffed bird, animal skeletons, a computer fell off the desk, but many cords hung in the middle, and scanners, CD boomboxes, rolled canvases, wooden frames, chairs, and books were blown away.
- 2017 (Heisei Era 29)
- Jan. 30 I was shocked by the death of Kimura Shigenobu, a great benefactor in my life.
- Jul. 22 Judges the Silver Work Exhibition.
- Sep. Exhibited work at the "Jeibi Exhibition" (exhibition of alumni of the Jeisei School). Branch of the Prefectural Art Museum.
- Sep. Invited to exhibit work at the Pangaea Exhibition (Yamaga). (Yamaga City)
- Dec. Dr. Chimei Hamada celebrates his 100th birthday. He is in excellent health.
- Dec. Exhibits "Pot of One Life (30s) Dedicated to Hans Bartung Green" at the "Jeans School Alumni Exhibition" (at the Kumamoto Prefectural Art Museum Branch).
- 2018 (Heisei Era 30)
February: Exhibited at the NAU exhibition (The National Art Center, Tokyo)
- Mar. Visits his good friend Masami Kodama from Kyoto City Art College, who has returned to his hometown in Higashi Hiroshima after 50 years in the USA.
- Mar. 18: First anniversary of the death of his grandson Mamoru.
- Apr. Went with Masami Kodama to visit his former teacher Shigenobu Kimura's house in Kitasenri, Toyonaka City, Kyoto. Met his wife, Shu-san, for the first time in a long time.
- May: Cruising with Emiko and her 3 sisters.
- Jul. Invited to participate in the exhibition "Artists Who Studied in Vienna" at Art Space, University of Tsukuba.
- Jul. Feeling lightheaded, he underwent an MRI at Asahino Hospital and neurosurgery, but there were no abnormalities.
- July 17 at 1:00 a.m. Mr. Chimei Hamada, an artist of rare and unparalleled fame in Japan, who was like a true brother to me from his second year at art college until his death, passed away at the age of 100 years and 7 months. His creative spirit never waned until he passed away. I was prepared for this day to come, but I was petrified.
- Jul. 18, 6 p.m., the wake
- Jul. 19 Funeral - Toyosumi Funeral Service, 12:00 noon. The funeral was solemn and rich, reminding us of Dr. Hamada's life. he and former curator of the Prefectural Art Museum, Masatoshi Inoue, read the eulogy. Mr. Yoneda, a member of Nika-kai, who was a student of mine at Kyushu Sangyo University, came to visit from Kagoshima. They had a talk about art.
- Jul. 29 Typhoon No. 12
- Aug. 14 Stayed the night before at Toyoko Inn in Fukuoka. He meet Prof. Udagawa, a professor at Kyushu Sangyo University, and have a drink with him.
- Aug. 15 Flew to Vienna (via Helsinki) by Finland Airlines to Vienna Airport, where he met Hanno. Dinner with Hanno.
- Aug. 21 Gansert, Herbert, Hanno and two others held a welcome party for him at Heurige in the suburbs. It was the 50th anniversary of his study at the Academy. It was like a lightning strike. Gansert had been a professor at the Academy, and he met him the next morning when he called Hanno to say he was shocked to see Haraguchi's website. This was a happy moment for him, as he was unrewarded in Japan.
- Aug. 25 An overnight bus trip to Prague with Hanno. Prague is a wonderful city and he saw the entirety of Mucha's great work "The Slavonic Hymn" in the city hall.
- Aug. 28 Travel home in Huynh Air. We took a cab to the airport. *(We arrived at Fukuoka Airport at 8:00 am on August 29th. We took a bus to Kumamoto. His back pain, which he had feared, was mysteriously relieved on this trip, and he was able to move around with full of energy during my daily visits to art museums and other places. It was a meaningful trip that also relieved his stress in Japan.)
- 2019 (Heisei Era 31)
- Feb. Exhibited at NAU: "Reincarnation: Portrait of a Man, 3 small works" at the National Art Center, Tokyo
- Apr. Began offering two courses in Western painting: (1) Introductory Drawing Course and (2) Mixed Techniques - Classical Techniques at the Tsuboi Tea Room Exchange Center in Chuo-ku, Tokyo.
- Jun. "Haruguchi Mitsuyoshi: Drawings of Youth" was held at Gallery Ark in Kamitori, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, showing 98 drawings by artists in their 20s and 30s.
- Jul. 13 Chimei Hamada's first obon visit with his wife Eiko.
- Jul. 17 Farewell Party for the late Takeshi Sakurai, Director of Contemporary Art Museum, Kumamoto City.
- Aug. Painting and repairing the wall surface of his home (damaged by the Kumamoto earthquake)
- Sep. 30 86th birthday
- Sep. 30, Submitted an article on Chimei Hamada for the "Kumamoto Culture" column (The Unforgettable People).
- He was informed of the death of his friend from his working days at Kumamoto Municipal High School, Masamichi Oishi, and of the death of print artist Yukio Hideshima by Seiichi Isoya, a senior member of the Independent Art Association of Japan, who exhibited his works at the Ebihara Institute.
- Nov. 2. Kenichi Tanaka exhibited his earthquake damaged works at Dinosaur Kaikan in Mifune-cho.
- 2020 (Reiwa Era 2)
- Mar. Exhibited "Love - Digital" at NAU (The National Art Center, Tokyo)
- Mar. Represented by CIA's Ira Martin, CIA headquarters with 30 years of service. He will work for 6 more months.
- May Distribution of 100,000 yen in subsidies for new corona to all citizens.
- May Ira sent an email to express his sympathy for the flood disaster in Kuma.
- Jun. 30th. 81st birthday of Eiko.
- Jul. 17 Visited Dr. Chimei Hamada's house.
- Aug. Judged for the Silver Exhibition (General Welfare Center).
- Aug. 6 See the solo exhibition of Sumio Matsuda, who was with us at the Ebi Institute. It was held at an art space in Minami-ku, Tokyo.
- Sep. 1 Silver Exhibition was held.
- Sep. 6 Evacuated to Yoshinoya with Eiko due to a strong typhoon No. 10.They return home and are safe and sound.
- A former student of Amakusa High School, Kenzo Matsushita, passes away at the age of 82.
*(I learned of the death of my elementary school classmate, Hajime Yamashita, through news from another classmate, Mori.
On October 10th, N.Y. Soho's friend, Marco, owner of DL Gallery, sent me a photo of an orchid. I fear for his health condition.
Nov. 14, Hanno e-mails me about his work for auction.)
- Nov. 15 John, now living in Nevada, sends me an email asking me to look at the video of his pre-exhibition interview with the President of the Society of Painters on Facebook.